21-Day Relaxation Course

(51 Reviews)
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This 21-day course uses three different techniques to help you relax your entire being on a deep level, each 7 days long. The first uses tense and relax to introduce the mind to the sensation of true relaxation. The second teaches you to scan your body part-by-part. The last 7 days takes you into a wonderful, deeply restful, total body relaxation.

April 30, 2020

A really great course to do. Especially in the current times. A balm for mind and body and something that I need to make a daily habit. Thanks so much for making this available to help people at this time.

October 1, 2018

I am doing the 21 one day course and am on day 4, I am finding that my mind is still racing all over the show but I m sure with time it will slow down. I really find the instructions at the beginning helpful about letting things be and not wanting things to change. Thank you David and thank you for the whole site - it is a lifesaver.

August 29, 2018

I find your meditations wonderful and extremely helpful. I would like to suggest that the sessions be independent of each other rather than flowing into the next session. The problem is that if you want to remain in a meditation, it is disturbing to hear the next meditation begin. Because I am in state of complete relaxation it would nice not to have to disrupt that feeling to stop the next session from starting.

Thanks David love and appreciate your work,

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
August 29, 2018

Hi there. Thanks for the kind words.
There's unfortunately no way to set them up so that each track stops. The only way to do this is to purchase the tracks and set them up that way on your device.
Thanks again!

June 21, 2018

I fell asleep multiple days... Always awake when the bell rings though. Thank you David, for helping me see the concept of relaxation different than being lazy. Being burnout is tough, as is getting my life back on track, but it seems I have found a missing link in my recovery... Now I can only try to make or take time for this daily, as I will start to work more