Establishing Core Strength II

Beginner II
(95 Reviews)
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This class is meant to be a part of a series that you can see in our program Establish Your Core Stability and Strength and on our Yoga for Beginners page. In this class, part 2 of our core strength series, David shows you how to keep the core engaged while moving your arms and legs and stretching some of the key groups of muscles around the pelvis that can limit mobility, such as the hamstrings, hips flexors (psoas and quadriceps), hips and lower back.


  • Block
  • Chair


  • Hips
  • Spine
  • Core Strength
  • Legs and Feet


  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Athletes
  • Yoga for Runners
  • Yoga for Back Care
September 3, 2020

David thank you so much for these classes. Your gentle, clear and kind guidance through the bandhas, breathing and integrating core strength into my practice has not only brought new life into my yoga practice but also into the way I relate to my life. I have been struggling to find tools to ground myself and control how energy flows through my body, which has in turn given me issues with posture, neck pain, and a general sense of disconnectedness. Since learning from your classes in this series, a few others on DYWM, I have been able to use these techniques throughout my day and feel simply and joyfully more alive! Thank you again and I hope one day I can take a live class from you!


August 22, 2020

I really enjoy David's style of teaching. He has a calm voice but don't be deceived, some of these poses are quite challenging (boat for instance). But he does not keep you up too long. I feel great after taking this one.

I did find the music distracting and the rhythms did not seem to match what David was doing. I'd love the option to turn the music off.

Other than that 5 stars, thank you!

August 21, 2020

This wonderful series has gotten me on what I think is the right track toward a yoga practice that will serve me well for the rest of my life. Before, I had been straining and suffering to hold various yoga poses. Now, after only a few sessions, I can feel my body beginning to automatically use the correct muscles, as David guides me into the correct alignment. It's still a lot of work but it's of the kind that will strengthen me, not hurt me. Thank you for this life-changing class.

May 9, 2020

Your absolute beginner series has been a good way to start. One thing I just don't seem to grasp is the ability to go deeper into a stretch with subsequent breaths. In fact, I can't usually hold a stretch more than a few seconds. Within my body, there seems to be a very thin line, just a millimetre or two, between gentle stretch and excruciating pain. And that line tolerates less, not more, stretch as seconds pass. Around the time you tell us to sink deeper into a stretch, my body tells me in no uncertain terms that it's time to come out of it. I'm sticking with the program, but this is discouraging. Any suggestions?

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
May 10, 2020

Thanks for the feedback. The body has a natural protective nervous response called a stretch reflex that engages the stretching muscle a few seconds after the stretch begins, so that's likely what you are feeling. For some people, they can continue to stay in the stretch, breathe and relax until it releases. Others need to move out of the stretch a bit to release the tension, then move back in gently. The best approach is to listen to your body and see what works for you. It's great that you're curious and aware!