Establishing Core Strength II

Beginner II
(95 Reviews)
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This class is meant to be a part of a series that you can see in our program Establish Your Core Stability and Strength and on our Yoga for Beginners page. In this class, part 2 of our core strength series, David shows you how to keep the core engaged while moving your arms and legs and stretching some of the key groups of muscles around the pelvis that can limit mobility, such as the hamstrings, hips flexors (psoas and quadriceps), hips and lower back.


  • Block
  • Chair


  • Hips
  • Spine
  • Core Strength
  • Legs and Feet


  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Athletes
  • Yoga for Runners
  • Yoga for Back Care
October 6, 2018

Wonderful classes. Thank you David. My life is much improved since starting do yoga with me .

May 10, 2018

Would you help me understand the "push your sacrum forward" cue? Is this sort of a reminder to not forget the back when "sinching around the waist" as part of the banda activation?

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
May 14, 2018

Yes, that's pretty much it. It's the best way to describe the action of the pelvis, to make sure it doesn't tilt back and to have a feeling of lift and slight forward tilt. It's essentially a cue that encourages you to avoid letting the pelvis tilt back.

May 9, 2018

I am recovering from a recent injury to my hip/pelvis/hamstring and back - this activates and totally releases the psoas and IT - I feel instant relief after this! Thank you!

February 11, 2018

I especially love your message (and music during savasana) after savasana. It certainly helps me to be reminded to release and bring softness and move effortlessly with balance. As a beginner, this message is so important after years of tense movement as an athlete. Thank you.