Finding Stability In All Poses

Beginner II
(66 Reviews)
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Now that you have learned how to breathe deeply and engage and strengthen the deep core muscles (bandhas) from the first two videos in this series, David shows you how to use these principles to stabilize the lower back and pelvis while stretching and doing some of the most common yoga poses. If you would like to start from the beginning, the first class in this series is The 3-Part Breath and Ujjayi Breathing and the second class is Integrating the Breath and the Bandhas. You can also find all three together in our program Establish Your Core Stability and Strength and on our Yoga for Beginners page.

Looking for more of a challenge? Check out the 14-Day Intermediate Challenge here.


  • Block


  • Core Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Hips
  • Legs and Feet
  • Lower Back
  • Neck/Shoulders
  • Spine


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Back Care
November 18, 2018

David - Thank you so much for these great beginner foundation classes. I have been taking classes for some time and I wish I had started with your beginner videos. My practice would have been completely different.

August 10, 2018

Quick question... While in downward dog, my wrist on both sides hurt. I followed your instructions carefully. I even rewatched numerous times to ensure I wasn't missing a key element. My question is this... Where do I begin in finding the source of pain and remedying it?

Thanks so much!

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
August 14, 2018

This is quite common, due to all of the people who are mousing and typing all day. Wrist issues are coming up more often in classes these days.

It's difficult to know exactly what's happening with you, since it can be complicated. If you are unable to find a way to do downward dog without your wrists hurting you may want to go down on your forearms (into dolphin pose) instead. That would be the best way to remedy the situation.

August 1, 2018

Hi, this series of classes helped me return to yoga after a long while. Thank you!
I’ve noticed when I try to activate my thighs or squeeze the block between my legs I tend to pull my kneecaps upwards. Is this normal?

June 24, 2018

This course is transformative for me in establishing strength in my post-partum core. It's so different now and I never had to deliberately strengthen my pelvic floor before, so I was really needing this kind of foundational work. I'm so grateful, thank you.