Guided Meditations for Stress, Anxiety and Depression

(99 Reviews)
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This series of guided meditations will move you gradually through a process of turning off everything that is creating the way that you feel, then helping you induce deep relaxation, release and inner peace in order to promote profound inner change. This meditation album is a key part of our 3-week program called Yoga for Chronic Stress, Anxiety and Depression.

January 23, 2019

I found this meditation very usefull and pain relieving, especially when it was said about forgiveness. I found out that I needed to forgive myself, my inner pain got output. I began to vet, but it was cry og relief and freedom of self-judgment. Thank you so much for this usefull tecknique and for what you do.

Comment Replies

January 3, 2019

this is an amazing meditation, appreciate the clarity in what David is saying. I have only done the first one and plan to do it every morning before starting my day to transform my anxiety and self doubt! Thank you!!

Barbara Johnston
November 14, 2018

David, I have been using your above meditation for some time now and want you to know it has immensely helped me. Thank you so much. Your work is appreciated.

September 14, 2018

Hi , I am suffering from manic depression and have been on meds. I feel my life is not worth living and smoke like a crazy person. I need help but I am from India and such help requests, leads one to be admitted to a mental asylum. Please guide me as where can I start for meditating

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David Procyshyn
September 17, 2018

Hi there.
Thank you for being so honest. It's difficult to do that.
I think it's most important to realize that you are not alone. Many people feel the same sense of pain and a feeling that life is not worth living. This feeling is shared, across the world and among many people who live close to you.
It's really important to begin with being ok that you don't understand what's happening, and also being ok with feeling the way you do. That can feel condescending and ridiculous when coming from someone who doesn't know what you're going through, but it is the first real step toward creating a more positive relationship with the pain.
I would recommend that you try my series on letting go of anxiety - it will apply to your situation as well. Here's the link:…
At the end I talk about moving on to a program that is part of our subscriber offering. Have you tried that program, but the way? Have you tried the meditations above?
Take care,