Integrating the Breath and the Bandhas

Beginner II
(64 Reviews)
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This video, the second in a series of three on core stability, covers the breath and bandhas (deep core locks), which together create stability and strength that you can use in your life and your yoga practice, no matter what you are doing. Learning how to engage and strengthen the bandhas will allow you to feel a sense of power and lightness in your body, length in your spine and will show you how to practice yoga safely. The first class in this series is The 3-Part Breath and Ujjayi Breathing and the third class is Finding Stability In All Poses. You can also find all three together in our program Establish Your Core Stability and Strength and on our Yoga for Beginners page.

Looking for more of a challenge? Check out the 14-Day Intermediate Challenge here.


  • None


  • Lower Back
  • Sleep/Relaxation
  • Stress/Anxiety


  • Gentle Yoga
  • Hatha Yoga
  • Pranayama Yoga
  • Yoga for Back Care
April 20, 2020

I thought I was doing OK until you asked us to engage shoulder and neck muscles at the same time as core and pelvic floor muscles. I was only able to hold everything for a few seconds. It felt as if there were so many different muscles to try to engage at the same time, each requiring significant effort, that my whole body tensed up. Even my legs were shaking. The only way I could breathe was fast and shallow. Is that normal, or am I doing something wrong?

Comment Replies

David Procyshyn
April 23, 2020

It's normal at the beginning, but with practice - like strengthening any muscles - it will get easier and you will be able to slow your breath down. You're working new muscles, so it makes sense that it feels that way!

December 2, 2019

A wonderful tutorial on breathing and the bandhas that can help you with yoga and your life. I recommend this for all practitioners. David is great at explaining the bandhas and how to engage them.

October 20, 2019

I am always struck by how David radiates kindness in his videos. It is clear he has a heart for teaching, and he has an enthusiasm for wanting to bring beginners gently yet thoroughly into this wonderful world of yoga. Thank you so much!

January 19, 2019

For a long time I had this question "How do I combine full breathing with tucking my belly?". Now I know.
Thank you very much David.