Letting Go: Guided Meditations and Relaxations

(55 Reviews)
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The guided visualizations in this album use relaxation, hypnotherapy and yoga nidra to lull you into a calm, deeply relaxed state of half sleep. You may also go on a journey into your senses, explore how to exist with chronic pain or how to encourage a deep, restful sleep.

T L Cooper
February 28, 2017

I really enjoy this meditation on days when time is short or I just want to feel a touch of nature. I always end up with a smile on my face when I do it!

April 17, 2016

This reminds me of a special forest I've worked in... fulfills all my daydreams while cutting trail and doing 6 mi/2200 ft gain foot patrols. Evokes such a pleasant nostalgia yet enhances my awareness and appreciation of the present. Thank you!

January 14, 2016

This I love very much. These meditations here. It is a complete sinking into calmness of the soul even. Comforting after the accident.

January 2, 2016

I get so relaxed I fall asleep and never hear the entire meditation! Thank you for helping me sleep without medication!