Practice for Energy

Beginner II
(35 Reviews)
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This short and sweet practice with Josh is designed to give you a boost of energy. Note: You will need two blocks. This video is part of an up-and-coming series of short practices, each designed to invoke a specific mood. 

Key Pose(s) include: 

  • Kapalabhati
  • Down Dog Plank Flow
  • High Lunge with Temple Mudra


  • Block


  • Core Strength
  • Flexibility
  • Morning
  • Spine
  • Strength
  • Vigorous/Energy
  • Whole Body


  • Vinyasa/Power Yoga
November 29, 2023

I am wanting to get back into yoga after an extended break. I was looking for a short practice to really just energize my body and open up all those tight spots. This was wonderful! I will be coming back to this one frequently.