Spinal Care for Beginners

Intermediate I
(208 Reviews)
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Our beginner series ends with a class that will send you off into the yoga world with gusto and all of the tools that you need to practice safely and effectively in whatever class you do. Anastasia works you harder in this full-length class, while also taking you through some nice back and hip releases.


  • Block


  • Twists
  • Strength
  • Spine
  • Flexibility
  • Core Strength
  • Backbends
  • Legs and Feet
  • Neck/Shoulders


  • Hatha Yoga
  • Yoga for Athletes
  • Yoga for Runners
  • Yoga for Back Care
November 7, 2018

Everytime you all say to lay flat on my back, my back never lays flat. I get a natural arch in my lower back that hurts when I try to lay flat. The arch is so high in fact that I can reach around and slide my hand under it. My fiance says that it happens to him as well. Is that something that will change over time or can we modify the position somehow?

Comment Replies

December 3, 2018

I always experience the same thing! I always thought it was just me as no teacher has ever mentioned it. I did notice that at the end of practice I still had an arch (although not as pronounced) and the arch no longer hurt. I am hoping that the ache will go away eventually. Excellent class. I really need to work on my squat positions. I am 54 and my knees had a hard time making it through those squat twists. I will take this again to improve my squats and lunges.


December 4, 2018

Hi, I have this problem too, along with lower pain, but I think it's lessened a little since committing to daily yoga. It would be cool to know about some yoga classes that would specifically target this though!

I heard elsewhere that the back arching when lying down can be an indicator of anterior pelvic tilt. Maybe it's worth looking into that?

David Procyshyn
December 6, 2018

<p>Good question! This is really common and is worth clarifying. So, when all of us lie on our back, the lower back is lifted off of the floor, some more than others. If your lower back is arched forward a lot, you will have a lot of space under your lower back. This can indicate that your pelvis is tilted slightly forward - which indicated tight hip flexors (psoas and quadriceps) and overly-lengthened hamstrings. The way you want to look at managing this is to learn how to encourage the lower back to lengthen and avoid arching more. I show you an exercise in <a href="this">https://www.doyogawithme.com/content/yoga-lower-back-pain-strengthen-st… class</a> that helps you learn how to strengthen your core so that you avoid over-arching and even begin to correct it. This question deserves more time, but I'll leave it at that. Let me know if you have any further questions.</p>

August 6, 2018

This was such a beautiful class and lightly challenging for beginners, I loved it. I felt so relaxed in Savasana and my spine feels really good now - really lengthened and I'm much more aware of my spine. I'm bookmarking this class for future, thanks Anastasia!