Trigger Point Therapy for the Hips and Lower Back

Beginner I
(56 Reviews)
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In this class, David teaches you how to do trigger point therapy on yourself, using therapy balls, tennis balls, or whatever you have at home and helping you release the key muscles of the hips and lower back, including the gluts, IT band and hip flexors. If you are looking for a set of therapy balls or yourself, check out our partner, Tune Up Fitness.


  • Rubber Ball


  • Flexibility
  • Hips
  • Lower Back
  • Sleep/Relaxation
  • Spine


  • Yoga for Athletes
  • Yoga for Runners
  • Yoga Therapy
  • Yoga for Back Care
November 16, 2023

OH David - Thank you. I've had the therapy balls for a while and have been winging their use. Not too much on the Net on the How To. This is a wonderful add on to your PNF vids. More please on the trigger point therapy!
Little note on the double balls on the low back, I sub'd in a var. of Setu Bandha Sarvangasana instead of pulling knees to chest. I felt I had a little more control in maneuvering around and finding those "sweet sensations". Well Done! Keep 'em coming.

Namaste, Connie

November 16, 2023

Yes. I’d also like more of these. I could use a bit more help in understanding exactly where you’re positioning the ball. Ive had SI joint issues and hip issues. Are there any caveats—i.e. places where it is unsafe to roll on the ball. Im using a tennis ball.

Mountain girl
November 16, 2023

I love the idea of this! but found trying to find my various muscles difficult. I'd love to have some sort of diagram that I could use (download?)while doing the various exercises that would point to exactly where the current trigger point focus is. Thanks much!

November 16, 2023

I would love to have more practice like this one. A complete fascia body release session with a foam roller would be a bliss! Thanks David :)