Morning Yoga Routines to Start Your Day Banner

The loud sound of an alarm clock shatters the morning silence. You groggily hit snooze, already dreading the daily rush: the hurried shower, the half-eaten toast, the mad dash to work. This, my friends, is the unglamorous truth of most mornings in our modern lives. But what if we could change just one thing to transform this chaotic start to the day into something more... peaceful? Energizing? Nourishing?

That one thing is – you guessed it – morning yoga.

If you can spare only fifteen minutes between your alarm and the shower, you’re off to a great start. These fifteen minutes where it's just you and your yoga mat can set an entirely different mood for the rest of the day. While it might not make you a morning person (let's not aim for miracles), it can certainly foster a sense of calm, balance, energy, and perhaps even a hint of anticipation for the day ahead.

Morning yoga is about giving yourself a moment of peace before the world demands your attention. So, let's explore how a few simple poses and mindful breathing can be your secret weapon against the morning mayhem.

Allow yoga to set the tone for your day, both physically and mentally. It’ll help you transform ordinary mornings into a ritual for self-care and mindfulness.

The Secrets of Morning Yoga

Each additional minute of sleep is precious, I know. Convincing yourself to give up 20 minutes of shuteye in the morning is a difficult task. But life's daily hustle can take a toll on both body and mind. Having a defense mechanism to counteract these effects serves as a weapon against fatigue, low energy, lack of willpower, and a growing apathy that can consume your everyday life.

An energizing and feel-good morning yoga routine could be your cure.

Physical Benefits: Yoga Will Wake Up Your Body

As the sun rises, so do your energy levels. Morning yoga boosts your metabolism, kick-starts your digestive system, and helps shake off any stiffness from the night's rest. Morning yoga is like saying to your muscles: "Hey, let's get ready for the day!"

Orange cat stretching
Like this cat, doing downward-facing dog to stretch and wake up. Wait, are cats allowed to do downward-facing dog?


Mental Benefits: Yoga Will Clear the Brain’s Cobwebs

The tranquility of morning yoga acts as a counterbalance to our often-overstimulated brains. As you move through the asanas (poses), you’re also calming up your mind, resetting it, and slowing down the thought process. Think of it as a morning meditation in motion that makes you more resilient and ready to tackle the challenges that the day brings.

What’s more, a morning practice can reduce anxiety and stress, thus allowing clarity and positivity to take charge.

Emotional Benefits: Yoga Can Be Your Dose of Morning Peacefulness

In the whirlwinds of modern life, emotional well-being sometimes takes a back seat. Morning yoga offers a moment of stillness, a space to nurture your emotional health. Beyond the asanas and physical benefits, morning yoga may represent an emotional sanctuary. A corner where you can be alone with yourself and gently process the feelings that rush in as soon as you open your eyes. As you breathe and stretch, you'll be developing resilience and a positive mindset, which prepares you to handle the day’s ups and downs with grace and mindfulness.

Spiritual Benefits: Yoga Will Help You Connect With Yourself

Finally, there's a spiritual aspect to consider. Yoga isn’t necessarily associated with religion or belief systems, but it is associated with a spiritual connection to oneself on a deeper level. During those quiet moments of practice, you might find a sense of purpose or a moment of gratitude, grounding you in the present and connecting you to something greater than the day’s to-do list.

What You’ll Need…

Since mornings are often a race against the clock, setting up a small, dedicated space for yoga beforehand can make a world of difference in the morning. Here’s how to carve out your own peaceful corner and choose the right equipment.

Create a Dedicated Space

First things first, the size of the space is irrelevant. Your morning yoga space doesn’t need to be large or be a separate room; it just needs to feel inviting. For instance, look for a spot near a window where the morning light shyly peaks through. It could be a corner of your bedroom, a section of your living room, or even a quiet space on your balcony. The key is consistency! Practicing in the same spot can create a habit-forming ritual. After a while, that space will become your retreat - a physical reminder to pause and breathe each morning.

Woman stretching at home
You don’t need an entire yoga room – a yoga corner is enough.


Make It Hard to Resist

Now, the atmosphere of your dedicated space matters. Make it special by equipping it with your favorite plant, a soft yoga mat, and perhaps a soothing piece of art on the wall. If space allows, you can add a small table or shelf for a candle or another inspiring object. Remember, this is your personal refuge. Personalize it so that it calls out to you each morning, like the song of a benevolent siren.


When it comes to accessories and props, it’s totally up to you. The only thing necessary is a good yoga mat. Props like blocks or bolsters can be helpful but aren't essential. A yoga strap can help you stretch and make some poses more accessible. On those days when you need a gentler practice, a bolster or a folded blanket can provide extra comfort and support. Of course, you may prefer being alone with your mat, in which case – forget all about the additional equipment.

Keep It Tidy

Last but certainly not least, keep your space tidy and organized. If I had to choose only one thing that has the most influence over whether you sustain your morning yoga ritual, it’s probably this. Mornings are tough, and you won’t always have the energy or will to tidy up before you start moving. So, you need a place that will allow you to make an uninterrupted transition from sleep into yoga. Plus, let’s face it, doing yoga in a cluttered corner is not really appealing, right?

Once you have figured out the “where,” it’s time to move on to “what.” What type of yoga or asanas are best for a morning yoga routine?

Yoga Routines for Every Morning

It really depends on your personal preferences, your lifestyle, and your mood. In my experience, this means two things: the go-to routine collection and the “mix-it-up” routine collection.

The go-to routine collection is your foundation. This is a collection of several yoga classes, sequences, or just poses that you like best. Most importantly, these are the ones that fit your lifestyle most and give you the energy to survive your busy day - whether they’re dynamic flows to warm up your muscles or gentle meditations to give you emotional strength. Think of this collection as a guaranteed reward: you step on your mat, you do your morning routine, and you know exactly what to expect and how you’ll feel at the end.

While the go-to collection is what helps us establish a routine, even the most rigid of us will probably want to shake things up sometimes. This is why I like to have a “mix-it-up” collection of different classes and routines that I know I like and can do but are not something that I would do every morning. For instance, a gentle and mellow yoga sequence for days that I feel blue or an inversion-based challenging sequence for when I need to hype myself up.

Woman stretching outdoors with cat
The yoga routine of cats is to interrupt – I’m sorry – enrich your practice.


Here are some recommendations for your morning yoga routine collections that you may like. 

Morning Routine for Beginners

Start with gentle stretches like cat-cow to awaken your spine, followed by a sequence of standing poses like mountain pose and gentle forward bends. End with a few minutes of lying down in savasana, allowing your body to absorb the practice. Melissa’s slow-burning hatha yoga flow is a perfect example of a mindful and rejuvenating start to the day.

Energizing Morning Routine

Sun salutations are perfect for building heat and energy. Flow through a series of these dynamic poses, synchronizing your breath with each movement. Add warrior poses to build strength and confidence for the day ahead. If you prefer to follow along with a yoga teacher, David’s sun salutations II sequence will definitely get your blood flowing. Another great option is Fiji’s 35-minute Rise and Shine class which packs a lot in only half an hour.

Relaxing Routine

To relax, incorporate asanas like child’s pose and seated forward bend. Try to hold each pose for several breaths while bringing your focus inward and feeling every sensation in your body. These poses promote relaxation and are ideal for mornings when you need a softer start. Again, you can make your own sequence or join Fiji in her moving meditation class.

Morning Breathing Routine

Pranayama in the morning is the best gift you can give yourself. Begin with simple breathing techniques like ujjayi to center your mind and warm the body from the inside out. Then, you can try other, more challenging breathing techniques to really energize and invigorate your day. In one of his pranayama classes, ideal for the morning, David shows you how yogic breathing techniques can calm your nerves while waking up your body.

Mindfulness and Meditation Routine

If you need to prioritize your emotional well-being, you may benefit from a morning meditation routine. Sit in a comfortable position and relax your shoulders. Bring your attention inward and focus on a specific mantra for that day. You can focus on gratitude, the strength you have within, or the love you have for the people in your life. This awareness will cultivate a sense of mindfulness that you can carry with you throughout the day. If you’re in the mood for a guided meditation, you can try Helen’s class, which will shift your focus to your body, or Julia’s class, that carries a focus on love and kindness.

Make Your Routine Your Own

By now, you know where you’ll practice and what you’ll practice. Next step: making your morning routine feel more personal and intimate.

To make sure you keep coming back to the mat each morning, you need to feel a connection with the practice. Here are some tips that will help you achieve that.

Listen to Your Body: Start by recognizing what your body needs each day. Some mornings, you might crave a more vigorous routine, while other days, a few gentle stretches might be enough. And remember, yoga is not one-size-fits-all. If a pose doesn’t feel right, modify it. You can also use props, change the duration, or switch to an alternative pose.

Focus on Building a Habit: Morning yoga is not about how high you jump or how fast you run, but about consistency! And while I mentioned this already, here I want to reiterate. Even ten minutes of yoga every morning can make a significant difference. Find a routine that suits you and stick with it. It's not about the length of time you practice; it's about the commitment to show up for yourself every day.

Early morning meditation
Feeling blue or unmotivated? Even a brief morning meditation and stretch in your bed could give you the boost you need to feel better about today.


Carry the Lesson Throughout the Day: The principles of yoga – mindfulness, breath, and presence – can be woven into your daily life. Let the patience and focus you cultivate on the mat guide you off the mat, too. Practice mindfulness in your daily activities. Whether you’re eating, working, or interacting with others, try to be fully present. This mindfulness can transform mundane activities into moments of awareness and connection.

Let Your Breath Be Your Anchor: Whenever you feel overwhelmed or disconnected during the day, return to your breath. Just a few deep breaths can bring back the calm and focus you cultivated during your morning practice. It’s a simple yet powerful tool to center yourself, no matter where you are or what you’re doing.

Share the Joy and Positive Vibes: Finally, consider sharing your yoga journey with others. Whether it’s a family member, a friend, or an online community, sharing can provide motivation, inspiration, and a sense of belonging. Each shared experience or tip can enrich your practice and offer new perspectives.

The Next Morning…

So, tomorrow morning, as the world wakes up, roll out your mat and give yourself the gift of yoga. Start small, start gentle, but most importantly – start. And remember, each day is a fresh opportunity to grow, breathe, and be present.

I'm excited to hear about your morning yoga journey – feel free to share your experiences or questions. 

Here's to mornings filled with mindfulness and movement!


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