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About Me:
Call me cliché—and cliché again for saying it—but yoga helped me to not only heal physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually! It came into my life when I needed it most and aided in the transformation to the person I am now happy to be. Since my original Hatha Flow training at Prana Yoga College in 2011, I’ve continued to study, learn, and evolve as a teacher and person. Most of what I teach in class comes from life experiences, although I’ve supplemented my training with group fitness, STOTT Pilates, meditation, rehab and physio experience, integrative nutrition and recently a 500 RYT certification. Having taught from Vancouver and Vancouver Island to Newfoundland and then the Middle East, I’ve seen the way yoga can reach different people around the world; this global view and understanding certainly influences my teaching style. These days I’m joyfully busy as a mom of two little ones. Enough said! Outside the family, my focus is on supporting women’s health—particularly through prenatal yoga, a wellness blog, and retreats. Because of a traumatic and disempowering first birth experience and the subsequent reclamation of my power and most amazing second birth (all thanks to prenatal yoga and the community built around it) I am committed and honoured to help pregnant women experience their own power and own their birthing process and transformation to motherhood with yoga.
Yoga! Meditation, anything active outdoors, nutrition, wellness, cooking, family, art history, painting, drawing, travel, and always learning something new.